
  • Location

    Siidrikoda OÜ, Valgjärve küla, Kanepi vald, 63419 Põlvamaa, Estonia

  • Legal Address

    Registry Code: 12172383

    VAT: EE101717069

    Pirita tee 20 P-401, 10127 Tallinn, Estonia

  • Payment Info

    Coop Bank: EE524204278623156606

    Swedbank: EE852200221057088744

  • TEAM

  • Sulev Nõmmann

    Founder & CEO

    While most people just talk about their ideas, Sulev is the rare kind of person who actually brings his ideas to life. After experiencing more than others would in two lifetimes, he had the crazy idea to start a cider business in Southern Estonia. And you know what? Here we are now.

  • Tea Nõmmann

    Senior Manager

    If Batman has Robin, Sulev has Tea. There couldn’t be one without the other. She’s the one who takes Sulev’s crazy ideas, puts them on an excel spreadsheet and makes them possible. Besides keeping Sulev’s high-flying ideas under control, she’s also responsible for quality management (ISO 9001:2015), bureaucracy and is the official Queen of Microsoft Excel.

  • Ingmar Nõmmann

    Marketing and Sales

    Growing up with the company has taught Ingmar the ins and outs of the whole business and the story behind it. The great ambition now is to take what his parents have built, developing the vision for the future and bringing it all to life.

  • Kaidi Veske

    Production Manager

    Kaidi will take on anything no matter how difficult or unfamiliar. Her positivity and hands-on attitude make her a fast learner and pleasure to work with. Besides having a degree in chemistry and a palate for craft beverages, she’s also a master at Ultimate Frisbee in her spare time.

  • Rain Kuldjärv

    Head of R&D

    While most of his time is spent in a lab developing all kinds of delicious high-tech food and beverage products, he’s definitely not your typical lab guy to say the least. Whenever he’s not in the lab, he’s either on TV talking about food science, doing sports or brewing beer or cider at home.



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